There once was Barbie and Ken (Aunt Paige and Uncle Mark) and they FINALLY had a little princess...and you'd have thought it was the first princess ever born into the Telford family!
Everyone absolutley adores her! Including me! She is the cutest little baby girl you have ever seen! Here she is Her majesty:
Miss Sicily Telford

Here she is sporting her hand crocheted outfit bought especially for her by Papa Telford (Pretty sure she is the only grandbaby to have something especially bought for them by Papa!)

Being loved on by cousin Jessie

Taking turns being held by cousins Jessie, Sidney and Megan

Being smothered by cousins Kaylee Nikki and Brookie

Wearing her Christmas dress made by Barbie (aka her mommy)

Getting loves from her closest cousin Kaylee Nicole

This picture is hard to see but it is Ken (daddy) holding Miss Sicily with about 4 cousins reaching up all wanting their turn to hold her.
Oh my goodness! I can't believe how fast Sicily is growing up. I am looking at these pictures and thinking holy cow she's been too big for those clothes for a while now! It's going by too fast! Soon she'll be as old as Brookie!