Brookie is 9 years old! Wow! Time is flying by.

Jessie's turn.

Nope...she's not 1. That's the only candle we had. I totally forgot to get candles when I picked up the cake. Brookie wanted a ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and they are half price on Tuesdays. Brooke was willing to wait a few days to have her birthday so that she could have that cake!
Brookie picked two of her close friends for a sleepover for her birthday. She had such a hard time picking two that she finally put all their names in a hat and just drew out two. The lucky winners were Molly and Paige.

She is such a wonderful daughter. She is always happy and very kind and considert of others. She makes friends very easily and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't love being around her. She is a huge help to me and we love her so much!
Happy Birthday Brookie-Boo!!
Kaylee Nicole loves birthdays I think we had to rewrap this gift 20 times because Nik Nik kept opening it during the day. She couldn't wait for Brookie to get home from school.
Heavy Heavy Hang Over....
Brookie is always letting Nik Nik be a part and help her. She is like a little mom to her.
Kisses for the birthday girl!
Heavy Heavy Hang Over....
Braden picked out Brookies gift this year. He was adiment that he get her boots. He even wrapped them himself.
He was so excited to have her open them. He had heard her say a few weeks earlier that she wished she had cowgirl boots. He remembered that and was so excited to give her what she wanted and she made him feel so good when she opened it. She jumped up and down. It was very fun to watch!
Brookie is so sweet with Braden. She is a wonderful big sister for him!
I'm so glad that Brookie and Jessie-Pie get along with each other so well. They always have. They rarely fight and Brookie is very conscious that Jessie be included when she has friends over. She watches over her at school and is very protective of her.
Brookie your siblings love you so much! Thanks for being such a great big sister to them!
We LOVE you!!!
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