Our little boy is turning into a big boy. He is 3 years old now and all potty trained...even at night! He was so excited for August 16th, he'd tell everyone. "I'm 2 on August 16th I'm 3." He had such a fun birthday. We love you so much buddy!

A donut AND hot chocolate in bed.


Braden kept saying he got a BIG hot chocolate because he was BIG now!

Kaylee Nicole got Braden Twizzlers and gum.

More cars from Aunt Kara.

A big Nurf dart gun from Jessie.

Heavy Heavy Hang Over....

Braden had LOTS of help!

Braden and Grandpa are the BEST BUDDIES ever!

Brent set up a treasure hunt for Braden's present from him. It was a Spiderman Bike. He was so funny running from clue to clue.

My four kidos! We sure love em!

Braden LOVES his new Spiderman Bike.

Back: Nana, Aunt Kara, Daddy, Kaylee Nicole, Mommy and Grandpa
Front: Jessie, Braden and Brookie

Blowing out his candles.

Licking the candles is the best part! Braden wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. So easy and Nana brought a Spiderman candle for the top.
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